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Svaneke Tennisklub

Gæster/turister kan booke en tennisbane på éngangs- eller ugebasis:
1 bane i 1 time koster 100 kr.
1 bane i 1 uge koster 600 kr. Banen kan dog kun bookes for 1 time ad gangen.
Tennisklubben har ketchere til låns, som ligger i klubhuset, man kan samme sted købe eller låne bolde.
Guests/tourists: you can book a court on a daily or weekly basis.
court/hour DKK 100,-
court/week DKK 600,- (you can, however, only book a court for 1 hour at a time).
In the club house, the club has rackets and balls for purchase or to borrow.

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